that you have experienced?What's the best piece of advice you could share with someone about life?
Complaining about the past will not help the future.What's the best piece of advice you could share with someone about life?
To find true happiness love %26amp; accept yourself for who you are, love %26amp; accept others for who they are %26amp; never miss a chance to tell them you love them. Every day do the right thing, help others, forgive %26amp; forget because life it too short. Be very thankful %26amp; accept what you have because there are many people today that don't have as much. Thank God every day for people to love %26amp; enjoy, also for what you have been given life .Learn to live %26amp; enjoy every day to the fullest %26amp; appreciate it because that's what it's all about.
If you need advice on something make sure that the person you are getting the advice from is where you want to be in that area of life.
Ex. If you are getting spiritual advise, get if from someone who has the spiritual life you would like to have. Not someone who is not spiritual.
If you want relationship advise, get if from someone who has a relationship you would like to have. Not from someone who has bad relationships.
If you want financial advise, get it from someone who has a financial statement you would like to have. Not from someone who is broke.
Happiness is a conscious decision to enjoy every moment of every day. Hardships are given to us as life lessons. So, learn as much as you can and become a stronger / braver individual with it. Try to enjoy everything you do in life, and you will inspire others to do the same. Learn to love unconditionally, because everything else is not love.
Discover WHO and WHAT you really are. Discover God and YOU are ONE Being. Walk away from ideas, concepts, principles and theories that teach you to FEAR yourself, others or God. See God as the Process of LIFE and the Source of Love. Get rid of expectations, demands, requirements, limitations, barriers, walls, rules, which force you to not be who you really are. Cause OTHERS to discover who and what they really are, for in doing so, you cause YOURSELF to discover who and what YOU are. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, because THEY ARE YOU. See yourself as an eternal and never ending BEING of purity, goodness, truth, wholeness, acceptabile in every facet and detail of your BEING, perfect in the Sight of God. Open your mind to LIFE being a miracle, not an everyday common occurance. Know, Trust, Embrace, Love, Help and and Thank God at all times, forming a true relationship of love. Know yourself as God. Love yourself. Share your wisdom with others.
Listen to your instincts-that ';gut feeling'; you have-a woman's intuition is never wrong.Forgive your parents for whatever wrongs they have done when you were a child-they did the best they could,let go of the grudge and the bitterness-when they are gone you will have wished you would have accepted them for who they were %26amp; not tried to change them.Live each day as if it were your last-for one day it will be.
';Keep yourself clean and bright; you are the window through which you must see the world.'; - George Bernard Shaw
';Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.'; - Maria Robinson
';If passion drives you, let reason hold the reigns.'; - Benjamin Franklin
';We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we have those because we have acted rightly.'; - Plato
';The good life is inspired by love and guided by knowledge.'; - Bertrand Russell
';The purpose of morality is to teach you, not to suffer and die, but to enjoy yourself and live.'; - Ayn Rand
';Work isn't to make money; you work to justify life.'; - Marc Chagall
The human form of life is meant for inquiring into the absolute truth.
Sentimentalism can blind us from truth; mental speculation can waste precious time.
Be a scholar to life. Qualify all of your teachers. Don't be cheated.
The greatest knowledge leads to the greatest exchange of love.
Know thyself.
Please read books written and translated by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
It ends.
Yesterday is dead, leave it dead.
Tomorrow hasn't happened yet, so don't worry.
Today is what ya got, make the most of it.
AND, don't hold back anything, you get experience points for what you do, not what you wish you'd done.
don't let fear hold you back. you only get one shot at life. live it. do NOT end up at the end wondering to yourself, ';what if?';. the only thing that can happen is that you get knocked down...if that happens, get back up and try again.
WORK...Like you don't need the money
LOVE...Like you've never been hurt
DANCE...Like nobody's watching
Don't expect and you won't be disappointed. (I made that one up!) lol
Best advice I can give? LOVE...Love all, Love everything and Love everyone...just LOVE!!
Tell God how you really feel. He already knows. I didnt get anywhere with God till I told him how I really felt. He just wants the truth. He wants you to hear it from you. If you want to waste time go ahead and keep lying to yourself.
my favorite quote would have to be:
Be yourself, everyone else is taken.
To me it means dont try to be like anyone else because your your own special person in your own way.
I also like you cant get better if you dont ocasionally crash and burn.
The seemingly trite rhyme below that contains invaluable truth...
Yesterday is history.
Tomorrow is a mystery.
Today is a gift.
That's why it's called the present.
Life goes by a lot faster the older you get, and some stuff is unimportant.
Love others. Your parents know a lot more than you think they do when you are young.
Friends are important. Looks are not.
Don't wizz on the electric fence.
Don't eat yellow snow.
This,above all,to thine own self be true.
Love was bought up and trademarked by Hallmark and the Disney corporation,pfffft love.
Don't let the bad things count. All that matters is that you do what you can to move humanity forward. Look beyond your life: it's brief, but its effects can live on.
Yours would be my #1 also.
My #2 would be that you can achieve anything in the world, so long as you don't care who gets the credit.
Make every memory count because there might not be a chance to say goodbye.
Also, don't be afraid to love.
Hope only serves to bring greater pain. Appreciate good things, do not expect them.
1. Love
2. Forgive
3. Accept
the choice is already ours,
so my advice would be to simply consider advice.. and to make sure you don't confuse it with something else
Forget the for today....anticipate a bright future. Oh, and don't stick forks into electrical sockets.
Live your life. Don't be afraid to take chances(legal things). Your parents want the best for you, but go for your passion.
Whatever doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.
Failure is not an option. It just means you gave up before you reached your goal.
Mine would be, don't squander your life. It's too precious.
Love everyone.
Do it now, you may never get a second chance :-)
Cheers :-)
That you can love someone even if they don't love you back.
Live Each Day As If It Were Your Last,
Some Day, It Will Be.
Being yourself always works out better than trying to be something else