Thursday, December 31, 2009

Your Best Advice To Be Happy And Dont Think About Problems?

Plaease Answer, I Pick The Best Advice For Best Answer;-)Your Best Advice To Be Happy And Dont Think About Problems?
Why would you not think about problems? If you can't handle reality, you should seriously consider checking into a place that deals with people like that.

I'm happy Because I think about my problems. I resolve my problems. No problems -- more time for happiness. Why avoid reality?Your Best Advice To Be Happy And Dont Think About Problems?
i say go out and let your hair down it works for me.
Face your fears head on and know that you are in control. Confidence rules.
support urself get a good partner in bad habits.take vacations
Mine is when i go see a really good movie, a funny one.

I will tell my problems to my friends and boyfriend.

I try not to bottle up my feelings and try to work things out fast.

Otherwise, i will go running or go walk at the beach and sit at the seaside and wath the sun go down.

Or i will just go out with friends and talk .
Surround yourself with friends and stay busy. The busier you are the less time you have to dwell on issues. Thinking about the problems is a healthy way to deal with them, but you need to get past the initial painful point first. Hang out with friends that can make you smile and when you do go home stop off for some ice cream first!
Use a lot of marijuana?
Occupy yourself doing something that YOU enjoy...FOR YOU.
Alcohol has worked for me. I used to worry and get upset all the time at little things. Now I drink Wine very frequently and I find I don't get as upset even when bad things happen. I just do what I have to do to get things back to normal and don't sweat it.

PS: I take taxi's whenever I plan on going out and drink more than a couple of drinks. Don't need a DUI.

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