Friday, January 8, 2010

I really need advice with my weigh issue...10 points for best answer. ?

I am neither a heavy person nor a skinny one. I am over weigh who is trying to lose some pounds but every time i try to go on a diet i end up over eating. I am sick of this and don't know how to control my cravings anymore. I seriously need some advice. 10 points for best answers.I really need advice with my weigh issue...10 points for best answer. ?
Everyone has their base weight due to their genetics, build, metabolism, diet, etc. For you to lose weight permanently, you have to work out almost every day and eat a little less (not much) than what you already do. Diet's are useless because you gain all of the weight back. Start running on a treadmill every other day for about 30 minutes and increase the speed and time gradually. You will lose weight over time and will be in the best shape of your life. However, you have to be committed to this as you will gain the weight back if you stop doing the cardio work. Also, don't get frustrated if it doesn't work immediately because your body has its base weight and you won't lose the pounds in one week. Stay committed and it will all work out.

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