Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What is the best advice that someone told to you?

and that help to you.What is the best advice that someone told to you?
The best advice I ever got was: ';Don't believe anything you hear, and only half of what you see.';

My pappy told me that a long time ago.What is the best advice that someone told to you?
There's NEVER enough time.
The best advice that was really helpful for me was when my friend said ';Although it looks like fun, drilling your temple with that drill bit may be dangerous.';
always be yourself
i get beest advice that ';never advice any one'; ;-)
my husband tells me that I shouldn't be too nice, I should be a little mean.
';Be careful what you ask for.';
Ignore free advice unless u ask for it
';Less said, is enough said';.
When someone else is talking, shut up and listen.
be different, be an individual
';Sit down and shut the hell up!';

It kept me from getting shot in an armed robbery, I walked in and did not know what was going on so I was being helped me because I listened and the guy didn't feel the need to shoot me.
do it as much as possible before you get married
To never trust nobody but myself.
';People thing differently sometimes.'; There's much more to that, but I forget it at the moment.
Respect yourself, for if you can't respect yourself, no one else can respect you either.
you need to go to treatment.
Keep my eyes open, keep my mouth shut and don't F-up.
Mmm Dont pee on the third rail....

oh and never pass out in aleyways ...

oh and never use food for pleasure.

shaka brah
If you go looking for something, you will probably find it.
In 20 years from now, you will regret more the things you did not do, then the ones you did do.
';it takes more courage to end a fight than to start one.';

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