Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What is the best food you advice me to keep always healthy and have sexy body?

North Atlantic cold water fish like Haddock,cod,sole look at the Icelantic women they are buautiful and slim!What is the best food you advice me to keep always healthy and have sexy body?
It's not really one food that will do it, it has to be your whole diet. Stay away from empty carbs such as sugar, that means no soda, and keep the carb consumption down a bit. Try to eat multiple small meals a day instead of three large ones, and only eat as much as it takes to stop being hungry. Replace such foods as beef with chicken or turkey (less fat) and make sure to exercise. Diet alone won't assure you a sexy body..

Lastly, a major contributor of calories is snacking, if you need to eat between meals have some fruit, nuts, or veggies instead of going for the chips or cookies, etc.What is the best food you advice me to keep always healthy and have sexy body?
firstly, you MUST have three meals a day. you should have more for breakfast, moderate for lunch and dinner. snacks are ok as long as you don't have too much. but you must have your three meals. this site will tell you everything you need to know.

good for you for being concerned about your body.
CHICKEN! - It's got protein, it is lean and healthy for you!
Yoghurt.. it keeps me fit , healthy and so sexy....

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