Monday, December 28, 2009

Advice Please on Best Double Pushchair from Experiance?

Hi we currently have a 19 week old little girl and are expecting again . (yes we planned both pregnancies very happy and can provide for our children).

we are expecting our new arrival in January but I am already looking for a new pushchair we are wanting a double travel system with a car seat for our newborn .

Can anybody recommend any good ones from experiance and why they seemed the best buy ?.

Thanks alotAdvice Please on Best Double Pushchair from Experiance?
Hi, First of all congrats!!

I have used both the McLaren XT double pushchair %26amp; Mamas %26amp; Paps Aria. I personally liked the Aria as you can get the car seat attachement for this %26amp; it is very lightweight %26amp; durable plus you are able to buy the complete package (footmuffs, bag etc) if you go online or to a large pramcentre. I found this ideal for when they were little. However I cahnged to the McLaren when the got to toddler size as it was more roomy for them and all their bits %26amp; bobs. Both prams are side by side and fit thru a standard doorway on on to a ';buggy bus'; should you use public transport.

However, I would suggest that you take your daughter with you when going to purchase the pram %26amp; see how comfortable she looks in it %26amp; judge the room around her for when she grows.

Good luck xAdvice Please on Best Double Pushchair from Experiance?
Congrats. There are pluses and minuses to having children both close together and far apart. So don't let peopl tell you you are nuts. After the first year it will get much easier. I personally like the phil and teds double pushchair. Because of it's design it can still be gotten into all the spaces that a single one can. And they are very durable.
any of the three wheeler urban detours, most models now do have a travel system, very easy to push even one handed and are suitable from newborn, large wheels for easy movement lock and swivel front wheel, also they are not as wide as you think and can fit easily through doorways

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